Friday, 27 February 2009

Bad Contracting = Bad Projects

What makes a search successful? For a start, the initial 'contract' between the search provider and the client has to be properly defined. Contracting well is a skill and is too often neglicted or half completed.

Here is my take on what constitutes a 'good contract' with a client:

  1. The basics - understand the scope of the task in hand
  2. Expectations - set out what the client can expect to receive in way of service levels
  3. What you will and won't do - the client needs to understand the limits of your input, and
  4. What you expect - the client needs to agree to a level of partnership on the project
  5. The commercial stuff - get the T's & C's right and agree commercial terms
  6. If the scope of work changes, go back to step 1.
Setting out service levels, making them explicit and absolutely sticking to them is vital. This constitutes the beginnings of good client management. Getting the client to commit to the process and actively participate as part of the search team is crucial.

Never ever skip a stage, even if the client pushes hard for you to do so, it will only work out badly for the client and the project if you do.

Remember, the aim of the game is to successfully complete the project, provide good service and be profitable.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Why Executive Search?

I'm often asked to describe in one sentence why Executive Search is a good route to go down when looking to hire senior talent. Why not advertise a role, or ask recruitment agencies to supply candidates?

I am never able to succinctly sum up the Search value proposition in one sentence. Obviously I have spent a lot of time thinking about 'why search' and the value our service adds to our clients. So here goes:

  1. We find people - the obvious part.
  2. We manage risk - we ensure our clients have credible choices to make when it comes to hiring key people.
  3. We manage the message - sometimes our clients don't know what their message in the market should be, we advise and coach clients plus take the newly crafted message to the marketplace.
  4. We manage reputations - how clients interact with propsective candidates throughout the recruitment process can colour the markets view of the client in a positive or negative fashion, it is our job to ensure that the client does the smart thing and that the client is always managed in a professional manner.
  5. We manage the candidates - our candidates are sophisticated people and managing them through the process can be challenging and time consuming.
  6. We manage the client - we don't take the 'problem' away for the client, instead we guide and work in partnership with the client to get the job done.
I used to believe that search was all about people. I now believe that search is a knowledge management business that, at the end result, ensures talented people in key postions.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Challenging Times

The market place is changing all around us, I intend to provide a view from the perspective of a provider of Executive Search services.

Since the beginning of 2009 the press has been full of dire economic news and the impact on the Energy sector has been dramatic. However the news is not all bad. The underlying fundamentals are still the same. Oil and Gas is a finite resource, reserves are an issue and the world is energy hungry despite the economic downturn.

Being out in the market place and talking to clients it is plain to see that the picture is mixed - Energy businesses are 're-calibrating', adjusting to the new level of demand for products and services. The good news is that our clients have learned lessons from previous downturns, they are making sure they retain key talent and using this economic adjustment as an opportunity to improve their leadership teams.

I am very bullish, in an environment like this only the best service providers prosper and I am all for a correction that helps promote attention to client service and really adding value to client businesses.